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Sobre a SSPI
The SSPI (Space & Satellite Professionals International) is a non-profit organization that brings together professionals from the satellite industry worldwide.
The goal is to serve professionals in the satellite industry throughout their professional lives.
SSPI has been present in Brazil since 2006, where it has worked mainly in the organization of educational seminars and networking and fraternization events.
SSPI Brazil
The SSPI Brazil
The SSPI is present in Brazil since 2006, through SSPI Brazil (Brazilian Chapter of the SSPI).The main activities of this Chapter have been organizing seminars, integrating companies and satellite industry professionals.
The events of SSPI Brazil have been marked by intense participation professionals representing major companies in the sector. In addition to fulfilling its mission of serving the satellite industry professionals, the SSPI Brazil is also indirectly driving the development of the industry as a whole.
- Mauro Wajnberg, President
mwajnberg@telesat.com - Guilherme Saraiva, Vice President
gsaraiva@globosat.com.br - José Gomes Edio, Treasurer
egomes@hispamar.com.br - Edson Meira, Director
Próximo Evento
SSPI Day 2015-2
10 de Novembro
Hotel Flórida - RJ